Undeterred by the strange and weird creatures they discovered on previous trips to Earth, scavengers arrive back on the planet looking to loot a brand new sector. With this new location comes fresh challenges to undertake, bizarre adversaries to overcome, futuristic creatures to befriend, and even a god to unearth. Built upon the acclaimed In the Light of a Ghost Star by Nate Treme, Where the Ocean Meets the Shore & Men Meet Gods conjures Earth's baffling future as it basks in the cool light of the dying sun.

This new adventure is built for Ghost Star players leveled 3-5 and takes the scavenger party to a new sector of the decaying earth. Within this 16-page, zine-style RPG, scavengers find new challenges, foes, and strange oddities. The game comes with a hex crawl as well as roll tables that are designed for the ITLOAGS system. These could easily be used with other systems though, too!